February 16, 2025

Two Dead After Car Attack on Munich Demonstration

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Two Dead After Car Attack on Munich Demonstration

Tragedy in Munich: Two Dead After Attack on Demonstration

After the horrific incident on Thursday, in which a driver plowed a car into a demonstration in Munich, two people have tragically succumbed to their injuries. They are a two-year-old girl and her 37-year-old mother. Both were from Munich and died two days after the attack from their severe injuries, according to the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation.

The incident occurred during a demonstration by the Verdi trade union. A 24-year-old Afghan man drove his vehicle into the procession. In addition to the two fatalities, at least 39 other people were injured. Some of them remain in critical condition.

Federal Prosecutor's Investigations: Islamist Background in Focus

The Federal Prosecutor's Office has taken over the investigation in the case. This is due to the particular significance of the case and the suspicion of an Islamist background. The authority assumes that the act was religiously motivated and is to be understood as an attack on the liberal democratic order. The Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation continues to conduct the criminal police investigation.

The Chief Public Prosecutor of the Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (ZET), Gabriele Tilmann, cited the statement of police officers, according to whom the driver shouted "Allahu Akbar" after the act, as an indication of Islamist motivation. The suspect admitted in an interrogation that he deliberately steered the car into the demonstration. Details of the other statements made during the interrogation have not yet been released.

Reactions from Politicians: Grief and Dismay

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) expressed deep shock and offered his condolences to the relatives. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) also expressed his dismay and spoke of a senseless act. Both politicians visited the scene of the attack and laid flowers.

Further Investigations and Open Questions

The investigations are now focused on clarifying the exact background and motives of the act. It is being examined whether the suspect had connections to extremist groups and whether there were other participants. The question of whether the attack is connected to the demonstrations is also being investigated.

The act has triggered dismay and grief in Munich and throughout Germany. Numerous people have laid flowers and candles at a makeshift memorial at the scene of the crime to commemorate the victims.

Security Measures and Prevention

The incident also raises questions about security measures at demonstrations. There is discussion about how such attacks can be prevented in the future and what measures must be taken to protect participants. The authorities are currently examining whether existing security concepts need to be adjusted.

Bibliographie: - https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/muenchen-anschlag-afghanistan-abschiebung-100.html - https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/demonstrationen-nach-anschlag-in-muenchen,UcxqQsj - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W5NNsk1fAM - https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/guten-morgen-nrw-anschlag-muenchen-kind-mutter-sicherheitskonferenz-todestag-alexej-nawalny-100.html - https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2025-02/zweijaehrige-und-ihre-mutter-nach-anschlag-in-muenchen-gestorben - https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/schwer-verletztes-kind-und-mutter-gestorben-100.html - https://www.fr.de/panorama/post-des-tatverdaechtigen-mutmasslicher-auto-anschlag-in-muenchen-ermittler-pruefen-auffaelligen-zr-93571883.html - https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/kind-nach-anschlag-in-muenchen-gestorben,UckVJEP - https://www.tagesschau.de/eilmeldung/eilmeldung-8434.html