October 11, 2024

Fourier Analysis Networks FAN Enhance Neural Networks with Periodicity Modeling

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Fourier Analysis Networks FAN Enhance Neural Networks with Periodicity Modeling

Neural Networks and the Secret of Periodicity: FAN – Fourier Analysis Networks

Neural networks have made astonishing progress in recent years, especially in areas like natural language processing and image recognition. However, despite their power, they reach their limits when it comes to modeling and interpreting periodic data. Instead of understanding the underlying principles of periodicity, they tend to simply memorize the data. This leads to problems with generalization and prediction of patterns outside the training dataset.

The Challenge of Periodicity

Periodicity, the repetition of patterns at regular intervals, is a fundamental concept in many areas, from the natural sciences to music. For neural networks, however, it poses a challenge. Conventional architectures such as Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) and Transformers are designed to recognize complex patterns in data but have difficulty capturing the inherent structure of periodic data.

FAN: A New Approach

To overcome this challenge, FAN (Fourier Analysis Networks) was developed, a novel network architecture based on Fourier analysis. FAN directly integrates the Fourier transform into the network structure, enhancing its ability to model and understand periodic phenomena.

How FAN Works

The basic idea behind FAN is to leverage the Fourier series to represent periodic functions. A Fourier series decomposes a periodic signal into a sum of sine and cosine functions with different frequencies. By integrating the Fourier transform into the network architecture, FAN can learn the coefficients of these sine and cosine functions, thereby capturing the periodic patterns in the data.

Advantages of FAN

FAN offers several advantages over conventional neural networks:

  • Efficient Modeling of Periodicity: By integrating the Fourier transform, FAN can model periodic patterns more efficiently and with fewer parameters than conventional architectures.
  • Improved Generalization: FAN demonstrates a better ability to transfer periodic patterns to new data because it learns the underlying principles of periodicity and doesn't just memorize the training data.
  • Versatile Applicability: FAN can be used in various fields where periodicity plays a role, such as time series analysis, signal processing, and language modeling.

Applications of FAN

FAN has proven promising in various applications, including:

  • Symbolic Formula Representation: FAN can learn and represent complex mathematical functions containing periodic components.
  • Time Series Forecasting: FAN can recognize recurring patterns in time series data and leverage them for more accurate predictions.
  • Language Modeling: FAN can contribute to better capturing the rhythmic and structural patterns in natural language.

Future Perspectives

FAN represents a promising approach to improving neural networks in dealing with periodic data. Future research could focus on the scalability of FAN for larger datasets and more complex tasks. Additionally, combining FAN with other network architectures is a promising area of research to combine the advantages of both approaches.

Bibliography: - Dong, Y., Li, G., Tao, Y., Jiang, X., Zhang, K., Li, J., Su, J., Zhang, J., & Xu, J. (2024). FAN: Fourier Analysis Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.02675. - https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.02675 - https://linnk.ai/insight/neural-networks/fourier-analysis-networks-fan-enhancing-neural-networks-with-periodicity-modeling-for-improved-generalization-Jl_yBTRP/ - https://goatstack.ai/articles/2410.02675 - https://chatpaper.com/chatpaper/paper/63891 - https://huggingface.co/papers - https://iflowai.com/papers/semantic-9219c3034838d2fdb1d655a0a1c12c84886152ff-17281339489420dc15393 - https://powerdrill.ai/discover/discover-FAN-Fourier-Analysis-cm1v7m6upm8vv01as31ce0yar - https://paperreading.club/page?id=256347 - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.06523 - https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2020/file/2fd5d41ec6cfab47e32164d5624269b1-Paper.pdf